Like an arrow released from the bow of Father Time, fifty years have flown by since I first began my study of Sculpture. At the age of seventy, I looked back over my sculptural creation activities and decided to compile a record of my life. I have selected vestiges of my creations and memories and reflected and reminisced on bygone times. I am now engaged in sculpturing dreams I have not yet been able to realize into my new creations.
Mitsuyuki Takeda's Journey through Creation
- 刊行 : 2013.04.30
- 価格 : ¥ 4,000 税込 (送料無料)
- 学生価格 : ¥ 3,500 税込 (送料無料)
- 表紙ハードカバー P112
He book of 50 years Mitsuyuki Takeda's Journey through Creation, portrays his idea of creation including with his new opening "Mitsuyuki Takeda Sculpture Museum".
目次 Table of Contents
- 言葉 Preface
- 竹田光幸木彫刻美術館 Wood Sculpture Museum
- アトリエ風景 Scenes from the Atelier and Gardens
- 竹田光幸の創作
- Ⅰ 創造への出会い Encounter with Creation
- Ⅱ 大作への創作 Creation of Large-scale Works
- Ⅲ 天地廻廊への思索 Meditations on the Cloisters of Heaven and Earth
- Ⅳ 支柱への思索 Meditations on Supports
- Ⅴ 手への思索 Meditations on the Hand
- 各世代での創作の想い出と彫刻作品 Creative Memories from Diverse Ages
- 60代の熟年時代(2013 ~ 2003) In Middle Age in my Sixties
- 50代の実年時代(2002 ~ 1993) In Middle Age in my Fifties
- 40代の壮年時代(1992 ~ 1983) In the Prime of Life in my Forties
- 30代の青年時代(1982 ~ 1973) As a Young Man in my Thirties
- 20代の学生時代(1972 ~ 1962) University Days in my Twenties
- 写真解説 Description of Photographs (Twenties to Sixties)
- 略歴 収蔵設置 個展データ Personal History Collection One-man Exhibitions
- 多摩美術大学での思い出 二科展と私 コレクション Memories of Tama Art University Collection
- 竹田光幸木彫刻美術館の入館案内 Guide to the Museum(Access)